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Swelling during pregnancy is a normal part of pregnancy that is caused by additional fluid and blood. This extra fluid retention is required to soften the body, which enables it to expand as the baby develops. The body produces approximately 50% more blood and body fluids to meet the needs of the developing baby during pregnancy. Extra fluid helps to prepare the pelvic joints and tissues open for delivery. The extra fluids account for 25% of the weight woman gain during pregnancy approximately. More information on swelling during pregnancy include the following:



As explained earlier, swelling during pregnancy is normal and often occurs as the body generates extra fluid to help in supporting the growth of the foetus. Circulation slows down as well which can add to fluid buildup. Swelling In the feet is most common during the later stages of pregnancy or in the third trimester. This is because the foetus is larger and puts more pressure on the feet and legs.

In women who experience swollen feet during pregnancy, it typically:

  • Lessens when you lie down or raise your feet
  • Is equal in both feet
  • Is worse when the weather is hot
  • Appears worse at the end of the day
  • Appears gradually



  • Low potassium diet
  • High sodium intake
  • Standing for a long time
  • High caffeine consumption
  • Long days of activity
  • Summertime heat

During pregnancy, slight swelling is expected, however, if you experience sudden swelling in your face and hands, it could be a sign of preeclampsia (a pregnancy complication which is characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most often the liver and kidneys). It is necessary you contact your Doctor about any sudden swelling.



Swelling can be reduced by avoiding caffeine and eating foods rich in potassium such as Bananas and oranges as it helps to reduce fluid retention.

That said, there are some helpful hints that can help you manage swelling during pregnancy:

  • Avoid standing for a long time
  • Rest with your feet elevated
  • Minimize outdoor time when the weather is hot
  • Avoid tight clothe around your ankles and wrists
  • Wear supportive stockings or tights
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Use cold compress on areas that are swollen
  • Drink water which helps to flush the body and reduce water retention
  • Limit salt (intake) and avoid adding additional salts to meals


                      MEDICAL TREATMENT

Swollen feet is a common pregnancy effect and so medical treatment is not likely to be necessary and it could be relieved through home remedies.

In conclusion, swelling during pregnancy is a normal symptom of late stages of pregnancy and is not usually a cause for concern. Home remedies for managing swelling during pregnancy can be very helpful. If you observe a sudden increase in your hands, face feet, eyes, and hands, you should see your Doctor to make sure everything is fine. Meanwhile, you should get Evergreen natal care which contains the essential nutrients in the right proportion to maintain a safe and healthy pregnancy.

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