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Implantation symptoms are one of the early signs of pregnancy which you observe around 6 to 12 days after conception. Implantation is the time when fertilized egg attaches and implants into lining of the uterus successfully. Although, fertilization would have taken place for over a week before, it is only after implantation your body starts to produce HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) which is also known as the pregnancy hormone picked up by pregnancy tests.

If implantation does not occur, the lining of your uterus is shed in your normal menstrual period, which could be discouraging if you are trying to conceive, but it could also be a reminder your body is preparing you to try again. But if implantation occurs, your hormones cause the placenta and embryo to develop and your uterine lining to stay in position to support your pregnancy. Let’s look at implantation symptoms you be aware of.


  1. IMPLANATION BLEEDING: You may observe a pinkish red or brown bleeding or spotting which could occur after conception and a few days before your next menstrual cycle. Implantation bleeding is light and stops by itself. The spotting may occur once, or it may last for a few hours or even for up to three days. It also does not require any treatment and it is experienced by about a third of all pregnant women. You can check on your Doctor if you observe heavier flow for more days to make sure everything is fine.


  1. IMPLANTATION CRAMPS: Some women may notice minor cramping around the time implantation occurs. This can also be due to an increase in progesterone hormone which increases during the second half of your menstrual cycle even if you are pregnant or not.


  1. NAUSEA AND VOMITTING: Nausea and vomiting are common implantation symptoms in early pregnancy. You may also start to notice changes in your appetite. Increased progesterone levels as well as implantation can make you feel nauseated. Progesterone contributes to nausea as it slows down digestion.


  1. TENDER BREASTS: You may start to notice your breast feel more sensitive than usual and start to swell as your hormones change.


  1. CONSTIPATION AND BLOATING: Rising progesterone levels slow down digestion thereby leading to constipation and making you feel boated.


  1. HEADACHES: Headaches are common implantation symptoms. This can be due to increased blood volume during pregnancy and hormonal surge.


  1. FATIGUE: You may feel more tired than usual as your baby begins to grow. This is due to hormonal surge and increase in blood volume also.


  1. MOOD SWINGS: Oestrogen, Progesterone and hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) increase fast after pregnancy which could make you feel moodier.


  1. DISCHARGE: You may notice thicker, gummier and clear cervical mucus after implantation. It could also be white and clear in colour. During the days of early pregnancy, rising oestrogen and progesterone levels could cause an increase in your cervical mucus. It could also become thicker, yellow or white in colour.


Some women may experience all these implantation symptoms and may still not be pregnant as some are similar to menstruation symptoms. Some may also not experience any of these and may still be pregnant. It is therefore best to do a proper pregnancy test to confirm if you are pregnant or not as at the time you observe a missed period.




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