by Fertility, Ovulation Test, Women0 comments

Every woman has her safe and unsafe period. There are some days of your menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant and there are some days when you can’t. It is important you have a good understanding of your menstrual cycle as this can help you know the best days to get pregnant. Here is a breakdown of your menstrual cycle and your chances of getting pregnant during each phase:

  1. Menstruation phase:

    Your menstruation marks the first phase of your menstrual cycle. During menstruation, your body sheds the inner lining of the womb (the endometrium). In this phase of your menstrual cycle, progesterone and oestrogen hormones which build up the uterine lining drop. The chances of getting pregnant during this period are low. However, if you have sexual intercourse on the last day of your menstrual period and you ovulate few days early, you might get pregnant as the sperm can stay up to five days in the female reproductive tract. This usually works for women who have a short menstrual cycle like 21 days. If you have a much longer menstrual cycle, the menstruation phase is not the best time to get pregnant.

  2. Pre-Ovulation Phase:

    The pre-ovulation phase starts after your menstruation. During this stage, you gradually approach your fertile period. Your body will begin to produce clearer, wetter and slippery cervical mucus which is an indicator that ovulation would soon happen. These are the fertile days of your menstrual cycle. Remember that sperm can stay in your reproductive tract for up to 5 days, so if you have sex during this period, the sperm can still be around to fertilize your egg when you ovulate.

  3. Ovulation Phase:

    The best time to get pregnant is during your ovulation phase. Usually, ovulation occurs mid-way between your menstrual cycle. At this time, you are likely already experiencing clearer, wetter and stretchy egg-white cervical mucus. You may also experience abdominal pain, breast tenderness and slight increase in basal body temperature. Some women observe these symptoms to identify their most fertile period. However, some of these symptoms could also occur prior to menstruation and early stages of pregnancy. So, the best way to confirm your ovulation is to do a proper test using PREDICTE ovulation test kit which is available in pharmacies.

  4. Post-Ovulation Phase:

    After your ovulation phase, the next and last phase of your menstrual cycle is the luteal phase. This luteal phase lasts for about 12 to 15 days depending on your menstrual cycle length. During the luteal phase, progesterone hormone rises and cervical mucus decreases. Increased levels of progesterone signal the ovaries to stop egg release, while decreased cervical mucus prevents the sperm from entering the uterus. Your post-ovulation phase is not the best time to get pregnant. This is because the egg released during your ovulation would most likely have died if it was not fertilized. (Mind you, the average lifespan of the egg is only about 12 – 18hrs)


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