8 Things To Do Before Trying To Get Pregnant

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The decision to start a family is a profound and joyous milestone in a woman’s life. However, the road to conception is not solely about the moment of trying; rather, it begins with meticulous planning and preparation. However, there are things to do before trying to get pregnant. In this article, we are going to explore those things. 

1. Speak with Your Partner 

Before taking the exciting leap into parenthood, initiating an open and honest conversation with your partner is the foundational step in the list of things to do before trying to get pregnant. This essential dialogue not only strengthens the bond between you and your partner but also lays the groundwork for a supportive and harmonious journey towards parenthood.

First and foremost, speaking with your partner fosters a sense of shared responsibility and commitment. Understanding each other’s expectations, concerns, and aspirations provides a solid foundation for a unified approach to the challenges and joys that come with trying to conceive. This open communication builds a support system. It ensures that both partners are emotionally aligned and ready for the exciting chapter ahead.

Moreover, discussing your plans with your partner allows for mutual decision-making on lifestyle adjustments. From dietary changes to managing stress levels, your partner’s involvement ensures a collaborative effort towards creating a healthy environment for conception. This shared commitment not only enhances the chances of successful conception but also sets the stage for a positive and nurturing pregnancy journey.

2. Visit the Doctor as a Couple

When embarking on the journey of starting a family, going to the doctor as a couple is one of the most valuable things to do before trying to get pregnant. This joint approach ensures that both partners actively participate in understanding and addressing any potential concerns, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility.

Visiting the doctor together provides a comprehensive overview of the couple’s reproductive health, creating a more informed and tailored plan for conception. By discussing individual health histories, concerns, and family medical backgrounds, the healthcare provider gains insights that contribute to a holistic understanding of the couple’s fertility. This collaborative effort enhances the chances of a successful pregnancy and minimizes potential hurdles, setting the stage for a more straightforward path to parenthood.

Furthermore, attending medical appointments as a couple facilitates open communication and emotional support. Facing the prospect of pregnancy together strengthens the bond between partners, allowing them to share any anxieties, expectations, or questions with their healthcare provider. This shared experience not only alleviates individual concerns but also fosters a supportive environment where both partners actively contribute to the decisions and actions required for a healthy and successful conception.

3. Modify Your Lifestyle

When considering starting a family, certain lifestyle modifications are essential things to do before trying to get pregnant. These adjustments not only enhance your overall well-being but also create a favorable environment for a successful conception. Here’s a breakdown of key lifestyle changes to consider:

Maintain a Balanced Diet:

A nutritious diet is crucial when trying to get pregnant. Ensure your meals include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Adequate intake of essential nutrients supports reproductive health and lays the foundation for a healthy pregnancy.

Manage Stress Levels:

High stress can affect fertility. Incorporate stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises into your routine. Managing stress is among the vital things to do before trying to get pregnant, as it positively influences your overall well-being.

Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Intake:

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact fertility. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake are crucial things to do before trying to get pregnant, as these habits can affect both egg quality and sperm health.

Regular Exercise:

Engage in regular, moderate exercise to maintain a healthy weight and promote overall well-being. However, avoid extreme or intense workouts, as excessive exercise can disrupt menstrual cycles and potentially impact fertility.

Adequate Sleep:

Ensure you get enough rest each night. Quality sleep is one of the often overlooked but vital things to do before trying to get pregnant. It plays a role in regulating hormones essential for reproductive health.

Limit Caffeine Intake:

While moderate caffeine consumption is generally safe, excessive intake may impact fertility. Consider reducing your caffeine intake as part of the things to do before trying to get pregnant, promoting a healthier reproductive environment.

Check Medications with Your Doctor:

Certain medications may interfere with fertility. Consult your healthcare provider to review your medications and make necessary adjustments. This proactive step is among the crucial things to do before trying to get pregnant.

Stay Hydrated:

Hydration is key for overall health, including reproductive health. Drinking an adequate amount of water is a simple yet effective thing to do before trying to get pregnant.

4. Undergo Laboratory Investigations

Before attempting to get pregnant, undergoing preconception laboratory investigations is a crucial step among the things to do before trying to get pregnant. These tests provide valuable insights into your overall health, helping identify potential challenges and ensuring a more informed and prepared approach to conception.

One of the key reasons for these laboratory investments is to assess reproductive health. Tests such as hormone assay and ovarian reserve tests can offer a comprehensive understanding of your fertility status. Identifying any hormonal imbalances or potential issues early on allows for targeted interventions, increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

Additionally, preconception laboratory investigations play a pivotal role in identifying and addressing any underlying health conditions. Conditions such as diabetes or thyroid disorders can impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Detecting and managing these conditions before attempting to get pregnant ensures a healthier environment for both the mother and the developing baby, emphasizing the importance of such investigations among the things to do before trying to get pregnant.

5. Achieve a Healthy Weight 

Maintaining a healthy weight is of paramount importance when considering things to do before trying to get pregnant. Achieving an optimal weight range positively impacts fertility and sets the stage for a healthier and more successful pregnancy journey.

Firstly, being within a healthy weight range enhances hormonal balance, a crucial factor for reproductive health. Hormones play a significant role in regulating menstrual cycles and ovulation. By achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, you contribute to the stability of hormonal levels, increasing the likelihood of regular and predictable menstrual cycles—an essential aspect among the things to do before trying to get pregnant.

Moreover, a healthy weight range positively influences the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies if needed. For individuals exploring fertility treatments, being within an optimal weight range is associated with higher success rates. This emphasizes the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight as part of the proactive things to do before trying to get pregnant, ensuring the best possible outcomes in various conception journeys.

6. Understand Your Menstrual Cycle

Understanding your menstrual cycle is a fundamental step before trying to get pregnant. This knowledge forms the bedrock of successful conception, allowing you to identify fertile windows and optimize the chances of pregnancy.

Firstly, comprehension of your menstrual cycle aids in pinpointing the fertile period. The menstrual cycle consists of various phases, and understanding the nuances of each is crucial among the key preparations before trying to get pregnant. Knowing when ovulation occurs enables you to time intercourse effectively, increasing the likelihood of fertilization. This awareness of your menstrual cycle becomes a valuable asset in the journey to parenthood.

Furthermore, understanding your menstrual cycle provides insights into potential irregularities. Regular cycles typically indicate a well-functioning reproductive system. If irregularities are detected, addressing them early is essential before trying to get pregnant. Identifying and resolving any menstrual cycle irregularities contribute to a smoother conception process, emphasizing the importance of this knowledge as part of the key preparations before attempting to get pregnant.

Evergreen Predicte Digital Ovulation Test Kit is a tool to help you identify when you are ovulating. You can use this in the comfort of your own home. 

7. Take Supplements

Supplementation plays a crucial role among the things to do before trying to get pregnant. Ensuring that your body receives essential nutrients through supplements can positively impact fertility and contribute to a healthier pregnancy journey.

Firstly, folic acid supplementation is a key consideration. Adequate folic acid intake is associated with a reduced risk of neural tube defects in the developing fetus. It’s one of the vital things to do before trying to get pregnant, and many healthcare providers recommend starting folic acid supplementation before conception. Typically, the recommended dosage is 400 micrograms per day, but individual needs may vary. This nutrient is essential for early fetal development, underscoring the importance of incorporating it into your preconception routine.

Additionally, supplementation with other crucial nutrients, such as iron and calcium, supports overall reproductive health. These minerals play vital roles in various physiological processes, including blood formation and bone health. Ensuring you meet your body’s nutritional demands through supplementation is a proactive step among the things to do before trying to get pregnant, fostering a robust foundation for a healthy pregnancy.

Our Evergreen Folic Acid not only has the recommended daily dosage required for women, it also has Vitamin B12 as well. We also recommend that women take a power duo of Evergreen Formular for Women and Evergreen EggBoost. They work together to ensure that your eggs are in the best condition for fertilization. 

8. Create Support Systems Around You

Building a robust support system is a pivotal step among the things to do before trying to get pregnant. Involving friends and family and considering participation in parenting communities are integral components of creating a network that can provide emotional and practical support throughout your journey to parenthood.

Friends and family involvement is a cornerstone among the things to do before trying to get pregnant. Share your plans and aspirations with close friends and family members. Their support can be invaluable, providing encouragement, advice, and a sense of connection. Involving loved ones early on creates a strong foundation for the emotional support needed during the preconception phase and beyond.

Equally important is the consideration of joining parenting communities. These communities offer a space for connecting with individuals who are on similar journeys or have experienced parenthood. Participating in discussions, gaining insights, and building relationships within these communities contribute to a broader and more diverse support system. Connecting with others who share similar goals and experiences enriches your support network, making the path to parenthood more collaborative and fulfilling.


In conclusion, the key things to do before trying to get pregnant form a comprehensive approach to ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy journey. From understanding your menstrual cycle to creating a strong support system and addressing crucial aspects like nutrition and supplementation, each step contributes to a well-prepared foundation for the exciting path to parenthood. Taking these proactive measures enhances the likelihood of a smooth conception and sets the stage for a fulfilling and joyous experience of becoming parents.


  1. When should I start preparing for pregnancy?
  1. Begin preparations at least three to six months before attempting to conceive for optimal results.
  1. Is it necessary to consult a healthcare provider before getting pregnant?

A.Yes, a preconception check-up is crucial for assessing your health and addressing any potential concerns.

  1. What role does folic acid play in preconception planning?
  1. Folic acid is essential in preventing neural tube defects in the developing baby. Adequate supplementation is recommended.
  1. How can partners support each other during the preconception phase?
  1. Emotional support, open communication, and involvement in lifestyle adjustments contribute to a supportive partnership.
  1. Are there specific resources for educational preparation for parenthood?
  1. Yes, explore books, classes, and online resources that provide valuable insights into pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.

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