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Even though fertility tips for men is not a regular topic when fertility is being discussed,

it plays an integral part in the journey of a couple who are actively trying to conceive.

While there is the cultural and environmental bias that seems to put all of the attention on the woman,

We now have men who are taking the bull by the horn and are finding out about their reproductive health.

In recent times, more men have been reaching out and sharing their challenges, and the most beautiful part is their desire to become fathers.

This is a step in the right direction and as such, it is imperative that we share tips that will inspire men on their journey to fatherhood.


  • Get tested

One of the most important fertility tips for men is going for a semen analysis test.

This helps you to identify the areas of your reproductive health you should put your attention on.

The three most important features of your semen analysis are your sperm count, motility and morphology.

Knowing the area you are having challenges in as a man would help you to use the right drugs and make the right adjustment while greatly increasing your chances of getting your wife pregnant.

  • Avoid heat in your groin area

Tight underwear and clothing around the testes increase the temperature around your groin area and this can affect sperm quality.

Avoid placing your laptop on your lap, sitting at a desk for long periods and any other activity that increases heat in this area.

  • Eat right

Drinking water, eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps to detoxify the body and increases your sperm health.

You should also reduce your caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks) intake as it is known to affect your sperm count.

fertility tips for men

Also Read – Foods for Conception you should know about

  • Lifestyle changes (smoking, alcohol & sedentary way of living)

Most men do not see the need to quit smoking or alcohol when they are trying to conceive, but it has been reported to be a major factor for male infertility, and modifying these lifestyles is one of the most important fertility tips for men.

Engaging in exercises, walking often, drinking lots of water are some of the best practices for a man who truly desires a baby.

fertility tips for men

  • Use fertility supplements

Women are encouraged to take fertility supplements so as to optimize their eggs, men should not be left out as their sperm plays a major part in fertility.

Like it’s said, it takes two to tango!

Fertility supplements have been proven to boost the reproductive cells, for some men, there are a lot of factors that contribute to low sperm quality (ranging from stress, low-quality diet, lifestyle etc).

Using a fertility supplement such as Evergreen Formular for Men which contains key vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids works to improve sperm count, motility and morphology.

fertility tips for men

The testimony below is one we’re happy to share; it succinctly captures the benefits of Evergreen Formular for Men

fertility tips for men

  • Have great baby-dance sex

There’s sex and there’s the baby-dance sex, we wrote about how you can effectively have sexual intercourse, the best times for baby-dance sex, positions and what to do before, during and after sex.

You can read about it here.

fertility tips for men

  • Show your partner love, care and attention

Conception is a journey and like every other journey in life, it is the roller-coaster that makes it a memorable experience.

Women are the main partners who face the most pressure when couples are trying to conceive.

When she is crying after seeing her period or she’s feeling the pressure from family and friends, give her a warm hug that reassures her of your undying love, pray with her and show her love in every way.

fertility tips for men

Also Read: 5 Tips to Help Improve Female Libido


Finally, the journey to parenting is not a walk in the park but with consistent effort and support, becoming a father is possible…lol

Your wife can give birth to your mini-me, she can miss her period and yes, you can become a Father, as I close, I’ll leave you with this quote by Robert Schuller

“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future”

Reading is important, but DOING is importanter, which of the fertility tips will you start putting into action now?

Got questions? Ask in the comment section below!



Do you know someone who needs this? Share these fertility tips with him!





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fertility tips for men
fertility tips for men
fertility tips for men
fertility tips for men
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