by Fertility, Ovulation Test, Women8 comments

Your ovulation day is your most fertile period when you can easily get pregnant. Ovulation is when an egg is released from your ovary. If the egg is fertilized by your partner’s sperm, it can result in pregnancy.

There are some symptoms that accompany ovulation in women. e.g., changes in basal body temperature, breast pain, lower abdominal pain, increased sex drive, stretchy cervical mucus, etc.

Some of the symptoms experienced during ovulation could also be experienced during early pregnancy or prior to menstruation.

One of the best ways to be sure of your exact ovulation day is by doing a proper ovulation test using PREDICTE OVULATION TEST KIT.

Predicte is a very simple, easy-to-use Ovulation Prediction Kit (OPK). It is urine-based and has very high accuracy.

Basically, the test works by checking for LH increase or surge in the urine. LH means Luteinizing Hormone. LH is always present in an increased amount within the body around 24-36 hours before ovulation.

So, typically, we would say your Ovulation day most likely occurs one or two days after the LH surge.

Here are a few easy steps to know your ovulation day using PREDICTE Ovulation Test Kit:

1)   Get the PREDICTE OVULATION TEST KIT, Open the pouch and bring out the strip inside.

Ovulation day

2)   Immerse the strip into the urine with the arrow end pointing towards the urine. Do NOT go beyond the MAX (marker line). Take the strip out after 5 seconds and lay on the mouth of the container

ovulation day

3)    Wait for the colored bands to appear. The strip contains 2 bands — A test line and a control line. These lines will not show until after you’ve immersed the strip in urine.

You may get a positive result as early as 40seconds.
However, wait for at least 10 minutes to confirm the result.
Do not read results after more than 30 minutes.

ovulation day

4)    Confirm your result.

ovulation day


If you get a positive result after the ovulation test, this is an indication that your ovulation day will be in the next 24-36hrs. You should have sex for the next 1-2days to increase your chances of conception.


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